Funding for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Human Toxicology Program comes from many different sources.
The University of Iowa Graduate College provides generous support for all first year Human Toxicology students and for post-comprehensive exam fellowships.
After the first year, students are placed with mentors with grant funding from many different sources including the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the National Cancer Institute, the Department of Veteran Affairs, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Carver College of Medicine, private research foundations, innovative pilot grants, etc.
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is part of the NIH and provides funding for programs that have several Human Toxicology students. These include:
- The Iowa Superfund Research Program (ISRP). The picture above shows Human Toxicology student Panithi Saktrakulkla (far right) working with Jacob Jahnke, Dr. Rachel Marek (sitting), and ISRP Director Dr. Keri Hornbuckle. Keri is a faculty member of the Human Toxicology Program.
- The Environmental Health Sciences Research Center. Human Toxicology faculty member Dr. Hans-Joachim Lehmler leads the EHSRC and Human Toxicology Program Director Dr. Peter Thorne is the Deputy Director. The top video on the right is Human Toxicology student Derek Simonsen explaining his work in the Lehmler lab. The bottom video is student Vingie Ng explaining her research with Dr. Thorne on the toxicity of vaping. Both videos are courtesy of Jackie Curnick, MDP, EHSRC Community Engagement Core Program Coordinator.