The Human Toxicology Program has worked with the University of Iowa Graduate College to develop learning goals and an assessment process that will provide regular insight into students' learning in key areas of the program.

Our learning outcomes will:
•    Provide faculty with clear direction for implementation in the classroom
•    Make expectations explicit to students
•    Focus data collection

The assessment process answered the following questions:
•    What is our program accomplishing?
•    How well is our program influencing student learning?
•    How do we know that our students are learning?
•    How do we improve student learning?
•    On what information can we base celebrating our students’ accomplishments?
•    Have our improvements been effective?

The learning outcomes will be assessed on a yearly basis. The report will be shared with all faculty and students. The following is the template that was used for the process. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Program Director Dr. Peter Thorne, the DGS Director Dr. Gabriele Ludewig, or the Program Administrator David Purdy.



Step 1: Assessment administration in the department

Who will lead the assessment work?


The Human Toxicology Program Director, the Director of Graduate Studies, and the Program Administrator will lead the implementation of the plan.


How will assessment information be shared within the department/program? 


An annual meeting of all program faculty and staff will be held in June or July.  At this meeting, the program faculty will review current enrollment and recruitment data, overall student progress, degree completion, proposed or initiated changes in the program or its curriculum, feedback received through course evaluations and/or graduate exit interviews, and progress on student assessment and learning outcomes. Assessment of individual questions on student learning outcomes will be discussed on the schedule indicated in Step 5 of this document. Other specific needs and opportunities for the program will be addressed at the annual meeting as they arise.



What is the plan for production of an annual summary report?


An annual summary report will be created within 60 days of the annual meeting of program faculty and staff. The annual summary report will include the materials that form the basis of discussion at the annual meeting of the program faculty and staff, along with any recommendations made after considering the student learning assessment information presented.




Step 2: Student Learning Outcomes


1) Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the principles of toxicology, including metabolism, toxicity, statistical analysis, and risk assessment and specific expertise related to the area of their dissertation (molecular biology, in vitro and/or in vivo techniques, analytical methods)


2) Apply the knowledge and skills of toxicology to conduct independent and innovative research


3) Demonstrate high ethical and professional standards and responsible conduct in research


4) Synthesize the knowledge and skills of toxicology to succeed as a professional in diverse toxicology careers.





Step 3: Graduate Degree Program Curriculum Mapping

Degree Program Courses or Experiences

Semester/Year expected for requirement

Learning Outcome #1

Learning Outcome #2

Learning Outcome #3

Learning Outcome #4

TOX:7173  Professional Development in Toxicology






OEH: 6710 Human Toxicology and Risk Assessment (or PHAR:6501)Y1x   
PHAR:6501 Principles and Mechanisms of Chemical ToxicologyY1x   
BIOS:4120 Introduction to BiostatisticsY1x   
BIOS:5120 Regression & ANOVA in Health SciencesY1 or Y2x   

CITI Certificates (Human, Animal research), First year, Online






TOX:7201 Toxicology Research






TOX: 7180  Toxicology Research Seminar






OEH:6720 Advanced Toxicology






BMED:7270  Scholarly Integrity/Responsible Conduct of Research






TOX: 7300 Thesis/DissertationY4 x  

Elective Coursework

Each student chooses appropriate electives for their individual research needs. This is not a complete list but just an example of courses that many students might take. To see three different sample curriculums please go to Appendix 2 in the Student Handbook.





OEH: 4240  Global and Environmental Health






BMED:5200 Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology Y1 or Y2x   

PATH:5260 Translational Histopathology






FRRB:7000 Redox Biology and Medicine

Y1 or Y2





OEH:7060 Research Design in OEH






PHAR: 5537  Enzymatic Basis of Drug Metabolism Y1 or Y2x   

OEH:5110 Managing and Sharing Your Research Data

Y1 or Y2











Individual Development Plans






Predoctoral Comprehensive. Exam






Oral or Poster Presentation at the Univ. of Iowa or Regional Scientific Meeting






Dissertation Research and Writing






Final Exam and Defense of Dissertation










Step 4: Previous Assessment Activities

What use has your program made of assessment evidence (formally or informally collected) in the last 5 years?

The program has not had a formal assessment of its curriculum, although there has been annual request of and input from PhD students. Students have wanted more materials regarding professional development. As a result, we created a Professional Development in Toxicology course that all incoming students must take. We have also created a student/alumni LinkedIn page and have been actively creating opportunities for students to learn about resumés, interview skills, job opportunities, etc.

Students have been requesting more opportunities for potential rotations during their first year. We have added six new faculty into the program as a result of students doing rotations in the mentor’s lab and then the mentor joining our program.

Students have also been requesting more opportunities to learn risk assessment. There is currently one course that offers multiple lectures on risk assessment but the goal is to offer additional opportunities to learn risk assessment.

We have also created a Student Advisory Committee that provides feedback to the DEO on ideas of courses and activities that students might wish to include in the program.

Based on evaluation of the effectiveness of GRE scores measuring the success of future student academic progress, the Human Toxicology Program began not requiring GRE scores in August 2020. This decision will be re-evaluated annually.

IDPs are used to assess a student’s current activities and provide a guide for future courses and learning activities.



Step 5: Assessment Planning

What questions, issues, or concerns about student learning in the degree program do you want to address?

Question 1:Does the course work for the Human Toxicology Program meet the academic and research needs of our students?
 Student Learning Outcome:Learning Outcomes 1-4
 Sources/Methods for acquiring evidence:Course evaluations, IDPs and the request for additional courses, results of comprehensive exams and deficiencies identified by a survey of committee members, student advisory committee input
 Timeline:2022, 2024, 2026
Question 2:Are Human Toxicology Program students progressing through the program in a timely manner?
 Student Learning Outcome:Learning outcomes 1-4
 Sources/Methods for acquiring evidence:Rates of completion of the PhD Program, time to degree completion
 Timeline:Yearly during review of learning outcomes by the Executive Committee and faculty and staff annual meetings; start in 2022.
Question 3:Are Human Toxicology Program students able to present their research effectively and in an ethical manner?
 Student Learning Outcome:Learning outcomes 1-4
 Sources/Methods for acquiring evidence:Rotation presentations for peers, presentations in courses, research presentations at conferences, final research presentations in the Toxicology Research Seminar, comprehensive and final exam presentations
 Timeline:Yearly starting in 2021
Question 4:Does the coursework and activities for the Human Toxicology Program meet the career needs of our students?
 Student Learning Outcome:Learning Outcomes 1 -4
 Sources/Methods for acquiring evidence:Placement percentage of students into careers, survey of current students and alumni regarding career preparation, IDP review on questions regarding career preparation
 Timeline:Yearly starting in 2022