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Program Overview

Program Overview
In the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Human Toxicology, the mission is to train outstanding toxicologists. As evidenced by the interests and accomplishments of the students, the program fosters a culture of exceptional science, uninhibited interdisciplinary cooperation, and excellent communication both within the program and within the community, along with a high level of energy.
The field of toxicology is truly interdisciplinary in that it draws from a number of disciplines, including chemistry, biology, pathology, and the analytical sciences. Currently, the human toxicology program has 32 faculty members, representing 12 departments and five colleges at the UI.
First year students rotate through three different research labs to see what their research interests may be. Rotations are not limited to the 32 faculty members in the program. A student can do a research rotation with any faculty member at the University of Iowa. Five new faculty members have entered the program in the past two years as a result of first year student rotations!
All students receive a stipend, tuition reimbursement, and health insurance (there is a small co-pay). The stipend for the 2021-2022 academic year is $31,000. We would like to thank the University of Iowa Graduate College for funding first year Human Toxicology students! After the first year, the student's mentor program funds the stipend.
There are only seven required courses in the program. Students can tailor their curriculum to their research interests.
Graduates can expect to find positions in a variety of settings, such as working for the Environmental Protection Agency with pollution sites, measuring the toxicity of drugs with the Food and Drug Administration, working with a pharmaceutical company in drug development, or continuing on in a career in academia.