Individual Development Plans The Human Toxicology Program uses the myIDP to help students assess their skills and develop individual development plans. Students are expected to complete an IDP every year so their progress and goals in courses, research, and career development can be discussed and planned.First year students work on their IDP in the Professional Development in Toxicology class in the fall. |
The Doctoral Comprehensive Exam The timing of the examination is at the discretion of the student and his/her primary advisor; however, it should be taken by the end of their fourth semester or beginning of their third year. Start early! Once you start doing research you should discuss with your mentor when they want you to do the exam and if they have ideas about who might be good to serve on the committee. The format and timetable of the exam, request and report of comprehensive exam, and plan of study forms are included below. The plan of study must be completed and submitted with the request for comprehensive exam. These are now being submitted online by the Human Toxicology Program Administrator through Workflow. The Report of Comprehensive Exam is now done electronically through DocuSign. |
Helpful Guide to Preparing for Your Comprehensive Exam |
Format & Timetable of Doctorate Comprehensive Exam |
The Request for Comprehensive Exam is now done through Workflow by the Program Administrator. It will include the exam date, committee members, Plan of Study, and Grade Report. The Report of Comprehensive Exam is done electronically by the Graduate College through DocuSign. |
Doctoral Plan of Study Summary Sheet |
Dissertation Defense The Final Exam (Dissertation Defense) is completed during the student's final semester at the university. It is also submitted online via Workflow (contact Program Administrator). The Graduate College has deadlines in the semester by which the student must submit the request for dissertation defense, when the final exam must be taken, and when the final dissertation must be submitted. In addition, the student must notify the Graduate College at the start of their final semester that they intend to graduate. The Report of Dissertation Defense is now done electronically through DocuSign. Part-Time Enrollment After they have completed their first two years of coursework, students may wish to concentrate on their research and take fewer hours. They must complete a Short Hours Form with the Registrar's office to do so. The Program Administrator can start this in Workflow. In addition, international students must complete a form in their MyUI for the International Students Services office to alert them of the change in hours. |