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Join the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Human Toxicology. Early Priority is mid-December.


Welcome to the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Human Toxicology at the University of Iowa!

Toxicology, as recently defined by the Society of Toxicology, is "the study of the adverse effects of chemical, physical or biological agents on living organisms and the ecosystem, including the prevention and amelioration of such largest adverse effects."

The Human Toxicology Program has a long history of providing world class mentoring and research opportunities for its students. First year students participate in three different research rotations to determine their research interests. With only seven required courses, curriculum is tailored towards the student’s interests. Graduates have found immediate employment in industry, government, and academia.



Hardin Open Workshops - ORCiD: Open Researcher and Contributor ID (Zoom) promotional image

Hardin Open Workshops - ORCiD: Open Researcher and Contributor ID (Zoom)

Tuesday, April 8, 2025 12:00pm to 1:00pm
What is ORCID? Why would you want one? This session will discuss ORCID, how researchers can benefit from having one, and how ORCID connects with other information systems. This will also be a hands-on workshop where everyone will have the chance to create their own ORCID and learn the most efficient ways to populate their profile with their publications. PLEASE NOTE Class will be taught via Zoom. Advance registration is required. Registrants will be emailed the Zoom link 30 minutes before the...
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Social Media

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The Student Advisory Committee has created a Twitter account and an Instagram account. Follow us to get all the latest info!

Program Leadership

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Peter Thorne, Director

Office: S341A, CPHB

Phone: 319-335-4216


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Jong Sung Kim, Director of Graduate Studies

Office: S357 CPHB



Iowa Superfund Research Program

Center of research excellence focused on polychlorinated biphenyls.