WenXin Koh


After graduating from Saint Cloud State University, I chose to involve myself in working industry as I would like to learn more about in how to apply knowledge into the real life. I decided to go to graduate school as I wish I could go further into research that comes out from my mind and to further my education as well as gaining professional research training.

Thesis TitlePolychlorinated Biphenyls and Their Hydroxylated Metabolites in Human Serum from Urban and Rural Cohorts in the United States

Advisor: Peter Thorne, PhDKeri Hornbuckle, Ph.D.

Year of Graduation: 2015

Program: Ph.D.

Current Position: Product Responsibility Liaison 

Current Employer/Institution: 3M


 Koh WX, Hornbuckle KC, Thorne PS. Human Serum from Urban and Rural Adolescents and Their Mothers Shows Exposure to Polychlorinated Biphenyls Not Found in Commercial Mixtures. Environ Sci Technol. 49, 8105-12 (2015), PMID: 26053216

Fabian A Grimm, Hans-Joachim Lehmler, Wen Xin Koh, Jeanne DeWall, Lynn M Teesch, Keri C Hornbuckle, Peter S Thorne, Larry W Robertson, Michael W Duffel, Identification of a sulfate metabolite of PCB 11 in human serum, Environment international, 98:120-128


WX Koh, KC Hornbuckle, RF Marek, K Wang, Hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls in human sera from adolescents and their mothers living in two US Midwestern communities, Chemosphere, Volume 147, March 2016, Pages 389-395


WX Koh, KC Hornbuckle, K Wang, PS Thorne, Serum polychlorinated biphenyls and their hydroxylated metabolites are associated with demographic and behavioral factors in children and mothers, Environment International, Volume 94, September 2016, Pages 538-545


WenXin Koh
BS in Biotechnology, Minor in Chemistry (cum laude), St. Cloud State University, Minnesota