Laura Gosse-Dean


I received my Bachelors’ of Science degrees in Forensic Science and Biology from Upper Iowa University. For my undergraduate research I collected, isolated, and amplified degraded DNA recovered from firearms and discarded shell casings. During my time at Upper Iowa, my interest for Toxicology grew through my course work.

I became interested in the University of Iowa’s Human Toxicology program after reading about the lab rotations the Ph.D. students rotate through and then reaching out to a few of the faculty members to learn more about the program. The interdisciplinary nature of the Human Toxicology program appealed to me because I believed I could bring my prior experiences to further understand the field of toxicology.

Dissertation Title: Interaction Between the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) and Tryptophan on the Hepatic and Microbial Toxicity of Polychlorinated Biphenyl 126 (PCB126)

Advisor: Gabriele Ludewig, PhD

Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow

Current Employer: The University of Iowa

Publications from Human Toxicology Program Research:

Wang H, Adamcakova-Dodd A, Flor S, Gosse L, Klenov VE, Stolwijk JM, Lehmler HJ, Hornbuckle KC, Ludewig G, Robertson LW, Thorne PS., Comprehensive Subchronic Inhalation Toxicity Assessment of an Indoor School Air Mixture of PCBs, Environ Sci Technol. 2020 Dec 15;54(24):15976-15985

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Student working in a lab.