Laura (Badtke) Valenzo


I joined the Human Toxicology Program in 2008. The most enticing feature of toxicology for me is the interdisciplinary aspect that is present in this field. My undergraduate education at Augustana College exposed me to many different facets of biology and research that I found interesting and wanted to pursue further in graduate school. While at Augustana, I was able to assist with both molecular and clinical research.

Upon my graduation in the spring of 2007, obtaining an advanced degree in toxicology was a major consideration, however I decided to temporarily postpone these plans for a year when I was chosen to represent Augustana College as a Foreign Expert in an exchange program at Central China Normal University. This experience has helped to foster my interest in global health within toxicology. The idea that there can be such a small threshold between helpful and deadly and the seemingly wide variability in thresholds from person to person amazes me.

Dissertation TitleThe influence of gene polymorphisms, modifiable lifestyle factors, and toxicants on the protective effects of the paraoxonase genes

AdvisorGabriele Ludewig, Ph.D.

Year of Graduation: 2014

Program: Ph.D.

Current Position: Associate Medical Director

Current Employer/Institution: Complete HealthVizion


Laura Badtke; Kevin M. Kelly; Kai Wang; James A. Merchant; Gabriele Ludewig (2012). Influence of Paraoxonase 1 Q192R and Lifestyle Factors on PON 1 Activity over Time in an Agricultural Population, Abstract. Presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, San Francisco, CA.

L.E. Badtke-Podolefsky, K.M. Kelly, J.C. Murray, T.J. Raife, and G. Ludewig (2013).  Influence of Genetics on Paraoxonase 1 Activity in Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twins.  Abstract #191, The Toxicologist. Presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, San Antonio, Texas

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Laura Badtke