The Human Toxicology Program believes that preparation to be a successful toxicologist requires not only excellent professors and rigorous coursework but students also need to learn the skills and knowledge to excel in their post-graduate careers.

We start during their first year- not when they are nearing graduation. All first year students take Professional Development in Toxicology, a two semester course. Students learn how to prepare Individual Development Plans (IDPs), create resumes and cover letters, use Linkedin, and develop networking skills. They learn methods (from other graduate students in the program) that many will use in their research-including such things as ICP-MS, RNA SEQ, Metabolic Assays Methods, and Lipid Extraction Methods.

The best part of the class is that we host alumni who talk about their jobs and careers, things they wished they would have learned in school, and answer current students' questions. Some alumni videos are included below.

In addition to this first year class, we offer professional development opportunities throughout the student's program. These include 3 minute thesis presentations, poster and oral presentation skill development at local and national conferences, grant and proposal development classes, and many others.

As you can see on our alumni page, students are very successful in finding rewarding careers.

James Jacobus
Bill Klaren
Brita Kilburg-Basnyat

Campus Career Support

The Human Toxicology Program works in collaboration with the university-wide career services programs-the Graduate Student Success Center and the Pomerantz Career Center. Students in the program are encouraged to take advantage of these services to enhance their professional development.