Yuying Zhao


I received my B.S. in Public Health from Wannan Medical College and an M.S. in Hygiene Toxicology from Shandong University. My previous research was focused on the role of Kupffer cells in the mechanism of alcoholic liver disease. It was this experience that motivated me to explore further about toxicants. I really enjoy translating my ideas into experiments.

In the spring of 2019, I was excited to join the Human Toxicology Program at the University of Iowa. One of the reasons why I like this program is that it values students’ innovation and offers freedom to choose a research direction. I hope to make a difference in toxicology some day.

Campus address: 203 IREH

Advisor: Dr. Kamal Rahmouni

Yuying Zhao
B.S. Public Health
Wannan Medical College
M.S. Hygiene Toxicology
Shandong University