Safa Kalteh


Born and raised in Gonbad-e-Kavoos, Iran, I embarked on my academic journey at Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, where I pursued a degree in Environmental Health Engineering. My dedication and preparation for the national admittance exam paved the way for my acceptance into the prestigious Tehran University of Medical Sciences. During my master's studies, I delved into human health risk assessment, focusing my dissertation on the dietary health risks associated with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). After earning my master's degree, I served as a research assistant at Shahid Beheshti Medical University, deepening my expertise in exposure assessment and the impact of environmental chemicals on human health.

My growing interest in the biochemical processes activated after chemical exposure led me to pursue further studies. I am currently enthusiastic about the interdisciplinary Human Toxicology PhD program at the University of Iowa, which I believe offers unparalleled opportunities for learning and research.

Outside the lab, I maintain my physical and mental well-being through diverse activities such as rock climbing, swimming, volleyball, ping pong, and sprinting. I also enjoy enriching my social and cultural life by attending social events, gathering with friends, reading books, and watching movies.

Safa Kalteh - UI Bio Pic
BS Environmental Health Sciences
Shahroud University of Medical Sciences

MS Environmental Health Engineering
Tehran University of Medical Science and Health Science