Current and former students of the University of Iowa Human Toxicology program gathered on Tuesday night of the National Society of Toxicology Meeting in New Orleans.
Former trainees of the ISRP present at the dinner on Tuesday night were:
Fabian Grimm (FGrimm@cvm.tamu.edu), now at TAMU, TX;
Bingxuan Wang (bwang@toxservices.com), now at ToxServices, DC;
Senthilkumar Perumalkuppusamy (sentilpk@gmail.com), now at NIOSH Cincinnati, OH;
Van'T Erve, Thomas (NIH/NIEHS) [F] (thomas.van'terve@nih.gov), now at NIH, NC;
Jacobus, James A (James.Jacobus@state.mn.us), now at MN state public health, MN;
Yang Song (songyangwenrong@hotmail.com); now a faculty member in China; he brought 3 of his graduate students to the meeting and to the get-together
Xin Hu (xin.hu2@emory.edu), now at Emory, GA
Xie, Wei (xiew@RJRT.com), now at RJ Reynolds, NC;
Current trainees at the get-together were:
Klaren, William D (william-klaren@uiowa.edu);
Gadupudi, Gopi S (gopi-gadupudi@uiowa.edu);
Li, Miao (miao-li@uiowa.edu);
Enayah, Sabah Hassain (sabahhassainenayah-enayah@uiowa.edu);
Also present were faculty and staff members of the ISRP:
Dodd, Andrea
Flor, Susanne
Ludewig, Gabriele
Robertson, Larry W.